Retreat 2024 - Registration Closes Tonight!
Welcome to our Annual Church Retreat!If you're still planning on attending, registration closes tonight! And a huge, special welcome to those new to our church or those who have never attended before. It is an instant way to dive into the deep end of our broader simplechurch family.
For more infomation visit: http://simplechurches.ca/events/retreat-2024-registration-is-open/2024-11-08
We Believe | 07. Conceived by the Holy Spirit, Born of the VirginThey Devoted Themselves Born of a virgin? Everyone knows that's not possible! But the angel told Mary (who wondered herself) that with God, "all things are possible!" Even so, is it essential that we believe in a virgin birth? And, if so, why? For more infomation visit: http://simplechurches.ca/media/2024-10-22-07-conceived-by-the-holy-spirit-born-of-the-virgin